Piano Trio in G Minor by Ernest Chausson, played by the Areti Trio Chausson was a friend of Claude Debussi, a student of Massenet and was influenced by Cesar Franck. He died prematurely in an accident when he hit a stone wall while riding his bicycle downhill at his villa. He was barely 40 years old. Many of the musicians, artists and writers of his day attended his funeral. Gabe Meruelo.
Piano Trio in G Minor by Ernest Chausson, played by the Areti Trio Chausson was a friend of Claude Debussi, a student of Massenet and was influenced by Cesar Franck. He died prematurely in an accident when he hit a stone wall while riding his bicycle downhill at his villa. He was barely 40 years old. Many of the musicians, artists and writers of his day attended his funeral. Gabe Meruelo.